- reference beam
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English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.
reference beam — reference beam, beam of laser light aimed at the photographic plate or film in holography … Useful english dictionary
Reference beam — A reference beam is a laser beam used to read and write holograms. It is one of two laser beams used to create a hologram. In order to read a hologram out, some aspects of the reference beam (namely its angle of incidence, beam profile and… … Wikipedia
local reference beam holography — vietinio pamatinio pluošto holografija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. local reference beam holography vok. Holographie mit Lokalbezugsbündel, f rus. голографирование с помощью местного опорного пучка, n pranc. holographie à … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
double reference beam holography — dviejų pamatinių pluoštų holografija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. double reference beam holography vok. Holographie mit zwei Bezungsbündeln, f rus. голография с двумя опорными пучками, f pranc. holographie à deux… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Beam me up, Scotty — Beam me up, Scotty! is a catch phrase that made its way into pop culture from the science fiction television series . It comes from the command Captain Kirk gives his transporter chief, Montgomery Scotty Scott, when he needs to transport back to… … Wikipedia
Beam compass — A beam compass is a compass with a beam and sliding sockets or cursors for drawing and dividing circles larger than those made by a regular pair of compasses.[1] The instrument can be as a whole, or made on the spot with individual sockets… … Wikipedia
beam — /bim / (say beem) noun 1. a thick, long piece of timber, shaped for structural use. 2. a similar piece of metal, stone, etc. 3. Building Trades one of the main horizontal supporting members in a building or the like, as for supporting a roof or… …
beam division into object and reference parts — pluošto dalijimas į objekto ir pamatinį sandus statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. beam division into object and reference parts vok. Strahlteilung in Objekt und Referenzteile, f rus. деление пучка на предметный и опорный, n… … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas
Beam compass — Compass Com pass (k[u^]m pas), n. [F. compas, fr. LL. compassus circle, prop., a stepping together; com + passus pace, step. See {Pace}, {Pass}.] 1. A passing round; circuit; circuitous course. [1913 Webster] They fetched a compass of seven day s … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Signal beam — A signal beam or object beam is one of at least two laser beams used to write holograms. The signal beam is the beam that carries the information to be stored in the hologram. In the case of a holographic picture, this beam is reflected off the… … Wikipedia
holographie à faisceau de référence local — vietinio pamatinio pluošto holografija statusas T sritis radioelektronika atitikmenys: angl. local reference beam holography vok. Holographie mit Lokalbezugsbündel, f rus. голографирование с помощью местного опорного пучка, n pranc. holographie à … Radioelektronikos terminų žodynas